Quantum computer is called "the 21st century space race", is an epoch-making scientific revolution. Quantum computers have powerful computational power to solve difficult or unmanageable problems of traditional computers, such as the design of complex drugs and advanced materials, large-scale database search and so on. At present, the biggest challenge of quantum computers is how to retain their quantum states superposition for the most as long as it helps to retain longer quantum information, which helps to develop more reliable super quantum computers. On October 17, NatureNanotechnology published a related online paper on the new qubit (also called qubit) recently developed by the University of New South Wales, Australia (UNSW). Andrew Moreiro, project manager at the UNSW Center for Quantum Computing and Communications Technology, led the research that uses the single-electron spin-state of silicon atoms placed under high-frequency oscillating electromagnetic fields to obtain the longest and most stable Quantum state superposition, the de-phase time T2Ï * = 2.4 milliseconds, the stability obtained a 10-fold increase. This allows the superposition of quantum states to be stable for longer, allowing more computations. In response, authorities pointed out that quantum computers can help run more complex simulations. For areas such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality that have encountered bottlenecks because of their computing power, quantum information will completely accelerate the evolution of the industry and have broad application prospects. bungee trampoline,urban air trampoline,outdoor kids trampoline Jiangsu Baoxiang Sports Equipment Co., Ltd , https://www.bxtrampoline.com