As a clean and renewable energy source, modern wind power generation technology, with the rapid progress of technology, has great potential to replace traditional fossil fuel power generation. However, up till now, wind farms mainly use tower wind turbines, and usually utilize relatively inefficient wind resources within 200 meters from the ground. The biggest problem is that the intermittent production of electricity is unpredictable and interferes with normal grid operation. Under normal circumstances, the average utilization of installed capacity of wind farms between 25% -35%, virtually increase the cost of wind power. The European Union's FP7 provides 200 million euros and a total research and development investment of 3 million euros by the European Union's six member countries and the associated countries of Portugal (co-ordinated), Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Croatia, seven wind power Equipment Innovation SMEs, the joint scientific community formed the European HAWE R & D team, starting from October 2010, began research and development of high-altitude wind power technology, has successfully developed a prototype of the technology, is conducting field tests at a height of 600 meters, hope Early commercial trial operation. HAWE design and development of high-altitude wind power technology prototype mainly consists of three interrelated components: airborne modules, connecting cables and ground stations. At present, the feasibility test of prototype technology has been completed, structural optimization is being carried out, technical costs are further reduced, and economic feasibility is achieved. High-altitude wind power generation technology enables continuous, uninterrupted automatic control of airborne modules through ground stations to ensure optimum use of airborne wind resources. The biggest advantage of the airspace wind power generation technology is that it can provide predictable high quality electricity continuously and non-intermittently. Theoretically, there is no geographical and maritime limitation and it can produce renewable electricity anywhere in the world. Complying with FDA standard, Letone food grade hose is suitable to deliver food & beverage (including fat and greasy food, drinking water, alcohol, fruit juice, etc), which is widely used in the F&B industry.The food and beverage hose is a high-quality product designed specifically for use in the food and beverage industry. Constructed using non-toxic materials that meet FDA standards, this hose is safe for use in a wide range of food and beverage applications. Food Beverage Hose,Edible Oil Hose,Dairy Products Hose,Synthetic Rubber Outer Layer Luohe Letone Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd ,