Recently, the European Union officially launched an automated pilot project called "AUTOPILOT", a three-year project to achieve safer and highly automated driving with smart connected devices and the Internet of Things. The IoT automated vehicles will be piloted in six countries including France, Finland, South Korea, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, and funded by the European Union's research and innovation program "Horizon 2020". These pilot areas will generate usage data to assess the technical performance of the Internet of Things for safer, highly automated driving and to assess the likely impact on socio-economic. Francois Fischer, senior manager of the European Intelligent Transportation Association and AUTOPILOT coordinator, said: "AUTOPILOT will use IoT technology in the automotive sector to drive connected cars to be highly automated and fully automated. Connectivity and connectivity from the vehicle's The ability to collect data at thousands of objects will be seen as a key enabler of highly automated driving, and the Internet of Things offers mechanisms and tools for creating virtual objects in real-world connected objects in the cloud. " The project officially launched a pilot project in Versailles, France, allowing project partners and participants to conduct in-depth exploration in pilot areas and provide local stakeholders an opportunity to understand the AUTOPILOT project. Fisher added that autonomous vehicles can help solve the problems caused by urbanization in some cities by providing and developing thorough alternative transportation. Autonomous vehicles, such as unmanned taxis, operate 24 hours a year, while private cars average only 5%. As a result, a manually-driven car spends most of its time in the parking lot rather than on the road, taking up a lot of space in the city. Fully automated vehicles not only increase road safety, but also reduce congestion and the need for parking space. The 43 partners in the AUTOPILOT consortium represent stakeholders in the field of information and communications technologies and related organizations in the automotive industry and research. They will be using smart devices to test driverless cars in selected realms in selected realms to assess their technical, economic and cultural impact. Polycarboxylic Acid,Polycarboxylic,Arboxylic Acid,Polycarboxylic Acid Polymer Jiangyin Lanyu Chemical Co.,Ltd. ,