British manufacturing industry shows signs of recovery

According to statistics, by May 2009, the UK manufacturing purchasing managers index has been rising for three consecutive months. This indicates that the British manufacturing industry is beginning to recover slowly.
In addition, the inventory of the British manufacturing industry is also declining. This is mainly due to the steady recovery of domestic demand. Although the depreciation of the sterling value is conducive to exports, because the demand in the United States and Europe is also weakening, the depreciation of the sterling has not had a significant effect in promoting exports.
Despite signs of improvement in the UK manufacturing industry, the British Engineering Employers’ Federation predicts that the UK's manufacturing output will still fall by 11% in 2009, the highest annual decline in history. However, the agency believes that the decline in the value of manufacturing output in the next three months will slow down significantly. The UK's automobile and metal industries are nearing the bottom, but it is still uncertain when the real rebound will occur.

R290 is refrigerant grade propane, a natural, or "not in kind", refrigerant suitable for use in a range of refrigeration and air conditioning applications. The use of R290 is increasing due to its low environmental impact and excellent thermodynamic performance. It is non-toxic with zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and very low GWP (Global Warming Potential). It is a flammable refrigerant and therefore not suitable for retrofitting existing fluorocarbon refrigerant systems.

R290 Refrigerant Gas

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