Castironrainwaterproductsofferawidechoiceofdesigns.Pipescanberound,squareorrectangular,thereareeightstandardgutterprofilesandfivestandardhopperheadsindifferentsizes.Wealsohavepatternsforafurther48differentstylesofornamentalhopperheadand28specialgutterprofiles. Drainage System Pipe,Sml Drainage Pip,Smlcast Iron Pipe,Drainage Pipe System Wuan City Kunyu Metal Products Co.,Ltd ,
The strength of the shearing effect of the vacuum emulsifier directly affects the final fineness. Through analysis, it is mainly related to the sharp level of the blade, the hardness, the clearance of the stator, the relative moving speed of the two cutting edges and the particle size that is allowed to pass, etc. In the intervening condition, the blade sharpness level, hardness, turning stator gap, and the particle diameter that is allowed to pass have been fixed or not changed, then the relative movement speed of the blade of the vacuum emulsifier is the most influential element and is expressed as the circumferential speed of the rotor. If the linear speed is high, the density of cutting or impacting on the radially moving fluid is high, so the emulsifying machine has a finer effect of thinning and vice versa.
However, the line speed of the vacuum emulsifier is not as great as possible. When it reaches a high value, there is a tendency to obstruct the activities. Therefore, the fluid quality becomes very small, and the fever is high. Some materials, in turn, collect and accumulate. Delusion. From another point of view, the practice of laboratory experiments is characterized by a small amount, so the physical size of the emulsifier to rotate the stator to comply with the corresponding few, the diameter must be small, in order to compensate for the small diameter of the negative impact on the linear speed, must To improve the angular velocity of the rotor, the "high rotational speed" of the instrument is formed. From the above, it can be seen that the speed of the emulsifier is to be considered in conjunction with the amount of practiced disposal, but it is in the current degree of processing and production economy.
Vacuum emulsifier needs to get rid of low productivity, increase speed, and thus create higher production efficiency; equipment configuration should be gradually improved, clean system, overload system, especially the matching system of the detection system is small, the status of excessive volume needs further improvement. Filling valve processing should be further improved; the device's own safety system is expected to be more perfect, and once the equipment stops operating, it is hoped that the motor can be protected by some details.
In the early stage of technology application, the economic benefits brought by technological achievements are certainly not enough to support the overall long-term technological upgrading costs. Vacuum emulsifying machine companies must also be able to stand the course of their lives and clench their teeth during the period of the industry's emerging period. When it becomes a model industry for industries and enterprises, it will be sufficient to promote the overall technological upgrading of enterprises and achieve more efficient, safe, and sustainable development of enterprises.
Achieve more professional vacuum emulsifier in practice continue to improve
Specialized machinery has more advantages in competition. No technology is not realistic. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and people are increasingly enjoying the tremendous benefits brought about by science and technology. The appearance of the vacuum emulsifier has made people understand that the great potential of science and technology can still be explored. The use of advanced technology has made the sales volume of vacuum emulsifiers soar and has gained popularity.