LEDs are defined in the PN junction of some semiconductor materials. When the minority carriers injected are combined with the majority carriers, the excess energy is released as light, which converts the electrical energy directly into light energy. The PN junction adds a reverse voltage,.......
As of the end of last week, China's first high-temperature coal tar hydrogenation unit has been running smoothly for 398 days, indicating that the high-temperature coal tar hydrogenation technology independently developed by China has matured. This is China's succession of energy l.......
Settled in Baotou Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, the high-brightness LED sapphire substrate project invested and built by Inner Mongolia Jingjing Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. covers an area of ​​more than 150 mu. Construction started on April 28 this year an.......
A few days ago, Wang Changming, executive vice president and secretary-general of the China Machinery General Components Industry A.......
This lovely Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Hello Kitty version, as well as the general GalaxyTab7.0, built-in 7-inch 1024x600 resolution (169ppi) TFT screen, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, Android4.1 system, 1GBRAM, 8GB or 16.......
Vehicle air conditioner inspection method
At present, the air-conditioning system used in vehicles is generally a single cold-opening type, and the refrigerant uses Freon (replacement product 134a of R12 or Freon). In use, the refrigeran.......